Sunday, April 1, 2007

My First Sunburn of the Season

Today, Daniel and I took a two hour walk around the Highlands and then we worked on our new front path. Then I worked on mowing the front and back yards. Anyway, I was out in the sun for about 6 or 7 hours total today. Consequently, sunburn! Its not that bad, and I'm hoping to have a really good tan going by the time we go to Hawaii in July.
Okay, mostly I just put this on here to have a first post. I'm sure I'll have a more interesting one in a couple of days.


1 comment:

Miss Tracy said...

I miss you too! And, may I say, I'm very jealous of your tan! I have to pay to be online right now, so I can't say too much - but I'll be on broadband soon. Talk to you lots more then! Bye Kim