Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas has arrived here at the Cardinal Cottage

We just couldn't help ourselves this year. The temptation to spoil ourselves after a very hard year just couldn't be contained. My wonderful husband found a very good deal on my gift. A very sweet and gorgeous 8 megapixel Canon Digital Rebel arrived at our doorstep along with a macro lens for about $100 dollars less than the body itself retails for in stores. I am looking very forward to taking some great shots for the blog. I couldn't help myself and started playing with it the day we got it, and of course he insisted on also being able to go and purchase his gift.
I'm currently sitting here regretting the purchase of the xbox 360 for my overzealous sweetie as he sits for the second night in a row "fragging" (gamespeak for killing) 11 year olds in Halo 3 online. The only really annoying part about the whole thing is that each time one of the 50 people in the game dies the game emits this grunt of death sound. It gets old after awhile. One can only hear so many grunts of death before one must leave the room for quieter pastures.

But back to the camera. It shoots so fast, no lag at all. I loved my Fuji and all, but the lag was killer. I've always wanted to go to my favorite place in Louisville, the Architectural Salvage Store, and take some cool photos. Now I have just the camera to do that with. And of course I will need to get back to Cave Hill and shoot some. I just can't shoot that place in the summer, its too cheery I like the backdrop of the bare trees much better.

In other news Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and once again we will be heading to the inlaws for the feast. Daniel will be making his "famous" cherry and italian sausage stuffing, his dad is in charge of the turkey (deep fried this year, maybe?), and his mom has taken on the rest. As most of the people that know me who read this blog know, I don't cook, no one would want to eat my cooking, and so this absolves me of all responsibility. Ahhhhh to be spoiled. Of course I'm the only person I know, that doesn't work retail, that is required to work on Friday. This is what I get for being new I guess. Hope they don't plan on me actually doing anything resembling work on Friday, because they are going to be greatly disappointed.

News of the deck is about the same. We are still working on it. This weekend we may get something done on it, but at the moment our yard is a carpet of maple leaves so that will be on the agenda first and foremost. We will also be decorating the cottage for Christmas. Time for a trip to the thrift store to see if they have any cool Christmas goodies. I will be posting pictures of the new Christmasfied cottage next week along with a revamp of the layout and colors for the winter/holiday season. Until then I leave you with one of my favorite Thanksgiving themed photos from the wonderful people at my favorite magazine Real Simple. Coincidentally, this picture was on the front of the first Real Simple I ever purchased.



Allison said...

Ooh, congratulations on getting your new toys! I am jealous of your camera. You will definitely have to post some pictures that were taken with it so we can see what kind of pictures it takes. You should use it to take a picture of the "famous" stuffing and make a food entry! Have a great Thanksgiving!

jolie said...

I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to some great pictures with your new camera. You are doing a great job on your house. I also believe that small is the word for the future. Just how much "stuff" do we need anyway? Bigger house, bigger car, etc. Not for me. Have a happy and restful Thanksgiving.